Shah Hakeem Akhtar's inclination towards the Creator, the Almighty Allah (swt) began before he even reached puberty. He dedicated his life from before teens in the service of those pious servants of Allah (swt) whom the world today refers as Ahlullah (saints). From the tender age of 12, he began attending discourses of renowned scholars of the time. At the age of 15, he took bay'at (pledge) to the great Wali (saint) of his time, Shaykh Shah Muhammad Ahmed (ra) and spent three years continuously in his lofty company. Thereafter Shaykh was guided to the company of the famous Wali (saint) Shaykh Shah Abdul Ghani Phoolpuri (ra), with whom he spent 17 years.
The Shaykh's service and dedication to his Shaykh is unsurpassable in recent times. During the seventeen years with Shaykh Phoolpuri (ra) the nights were spent in a retreat (jungle) from where no other human sound was audible except for the Shaykh's (Phoolpuri) zikr (remembrance of Allah).
It was under the tutelage of Shaykh Phoolpuri for seventeen years that Hazrat mastered the scholarly work of Mathnawi by Shaykh Rumi. Shaykh Phoolpuri (ra) himself was guided by the greatest scholar of recent history, Hakeem ul Ummat Shaykh Ashraf Ali Thanwi (ra), who in turn was taught the Mathnawi by Shaykh Haji Imdadullah (ra).
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The Shaykh's service and dedication to his Shaykh is unsurpassable in recent times. During the seventeen years with Shaykh Phoolpuri (ra) the nights were spent in a retreat (jungle) from where no other human sound was audible except for the Shaykh's (Phoolpuri) zikr (remembrance of Allah).
It was under the tutelage of Shaykh Phoolpuri for seventeen years that Hazrat mastered the scholarly work of Mathnawi by Shaykh Rumi. Shaykh Phoolpuri (ra) himself was guided by the greatest scholar of recent history, Hakeem ul Ummat Shaykh Ashraf Ali Thanwi (ra), who in turn was taught the Mathnawi by Shaykh Haji Imdadullah (ra).
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